OSU Organic Growers Club
OSU’s, non-profit Student Farm 24 years running!
The OSU Organic Growers Club is excited to partner with the Samaritan Care Hub Team bringing fresh, heathy fruit and veggies to community members who have been sought-out by the hub’s team of social workers, nurses, and community health workers as folks in need of our high-quality fruit and veggies. Its the first step in a collaboration to promote healthy food choices for everyone. It’s already changed lives and we are thrilled to make a difference! Please consider participating in this wonderful program. A full share ($1100) impacts half a dozen people each week with about 40lbs of food each week for ~28 weeks. ANY amount of giving is greatly appreciated and makes a real difference. Please participate in this high-impact program. Our students grow the food that the people need!
Lean more about Samaritan’s holistic view of “health” and “care” that was the brainchild of this collaboration here.